Curious to know what damage to the CCM board looks like? See an actual photo here!
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If your S-Type Climate Control Module (CCM) or nav-equipped Remote Climate Control Module (RCCM) has been burned, you might be inclined to open it up to check for damage. We’re not going to recommend you do this, unless you are very, very careful. We have received numerous units from customers that have had their plastic mounting tabs for the faceplate completely broken off, or areas of the housing that look like they’ve been hacked away by a chisel or Dremel tool. Simply put, don’t make things worse than they already are if you don’t know what you’re doing!
If you’re really going to tackle the disassembly of the CCM or RCCM, do yourself a favor and don’t try to remove the housing’s Torx T6 screws using a Dremel tool and flat-headed screwdriver. Go get yourself a Torx T6 screwdriver (how much could it be, maybe $3?) and do it the right way!
Every CCM and RCCM has four (4) Torx T6 screws holding the housing and board together. The RCCM housing opens up easily once these screws are removed. The CCM, on the other hand, requires a very intricate process in order prevent damage to the mounting tabs. We’ll be posting up CCM and RCCM disassembly videos very soon, so stay tuned!
* Update 8/7/2011 – How-to videos are now online. Check them out here!
We’re even nice enough to show you an example picture, to give you an idea what it might look like:
But, and a big BUT: If you’re thinking, “Oh, that looks simple enough to fix…I can fix that myself!” or you’re shopping around and looking to go with the “lowest bidder,” then do so only after you understand what our offering to you really entails:
1. Awesomeness – What you see in the picture above is merely an example of visible damage. What about non-visible damage? We perform component-level testing and stock the correct replacement components. We hold ourselves to the highest standards to ensure the cleanest job possible in every unit we service. No cold solder joints. No cheap jumper wire tricks. No sticky mess. No problems!
2. Vehicle-specific Knowledge – All the diagnosis information shown on this website came from our hands-on experience working with the actual car. We’ve created vehicle-specific test procedures for your S-Type!
3. Upgrade w/ Fault-Protection – We incorporate a proprietary fault-protection upgrade in every unit we service. This adds protection against short circuit at the Dual Climate Control Valve (DCCV). Much needed but missing from the factory!
4. Limited Lifetime Warranty – We offer a Lifetime Warranty that covers damage caused by a faulty DCCV in the future.
Whether or not you become our customer, we want to make sure that you are informed and educated to make the best decision possible. So, arm yourself with this knowledge, and make that decision!
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« Core Exchange Program expanded to cover navigation-equipped S-Types! | If you’re gonna open up your Climate Control Module, who’s gonna stop you? We might as well show you the right way to do it! »