Should I do a jumper wire repair? You will want to see this…
Recently, we received a Climate Control Module (CCM) from a customer that attempted to perform their own repair. They found what appeared to be burnt traces on the CCM circuit board, then soldered on jumper wires to bypass the burnt traces. They re-installed the CCM into the car and the air conditioning blew cold again. [...]
Now that you’ve heard about the benefits, let’s hear about some features!
As a follow-up to some of our earlier articles, where we show you what damage can look like, and even show you how to safely open your climate control module (CCM), we’d like to elaborate just a bit more on what our repair service includes. The blurb on the front page, which talks about the [...]
The A/C starting blowing hot after we changed out the heater valve. It was fine before!
Some folks (whether it’s for their own car, or for a shop customer’s car), don’t experience “A/C blows hot” symptoms until after a leaking/corroded Dual Climate Control Valve (DCCV) (a.k.a. “heater valve”) is replaced. They (or their customer) worry that something they did (or even the new DCCV part) might have caused damaged to the [...]
I’m stuck with no heat during the winter time. What’s going on?
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We get this question quite often, especially during the winter months. We know that getting stuck with no hot air can sometimes be as bad as being stuck with no cold air. It’s actually quite a common problem on the earlier S-Types from 1999-2002. These models use a 5-port DCCV (Dual Climate Control Valve) (a.k.a. [...]
Not all climate control modules are repairable – what? gasp!
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“Not all climate control modules are repairable” – is a headline that nobody wants to hear. This includes us, our customers, and even our competitors. But this is truth: not all units are repairable. Here’s a true story: We had a customer (let’s call him “John”), who first sent his climate control module (CCM) to [...]
If you’re gonna open up your Climate Control Module, who’s gonna stop you? We might as well show you the right way to do it!
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In our previous news post, we showed you a picture of what actual damage may look like. We also told you to be very, very careful if you ever decide to open up a Climate Control Module (CCM) for “self-inspection.” Some damage is visible to the naked eye. Some damage is invisible. If you see [...]
Curious to know what damage to the CCM board looks like? See an actual photo here!
If your S-Type Climate Control Module (CCM) or nav-equipped Remote Climate Control Module (RCCM) has been burned, you might be inclined to open it up to check for damage. We’re not going to recommend you do this, unless you are very, very careful. We have received numerous units from customers that have had their plastic [...]
Core Exchange Program expanded to cover navigation-equipped S-Types!
Our Core Exchange Program, previously available only for those with non-navigation CCMs, is now available for those with nav-equipped RCCMs. Use the Contact Us page to find out more! Update 2/25/2012: Navigation-equipped RCCMs are no longer available due to lack of repairable units. Click here to find out more about non-repairable units.
It’s cold and raining! Do I still need A/C?
The weather in Southern California went from very very very warm (over 100 degrees F) to cold and rainy in just one weekend. You may think that you don’t need A/C anymore. But I’m going to tell you that you will need A/C now more than ever! Why, you ask? Because your windshield defogger depends [...]
Buy a Brand-new Factory OEM DCCV from us!
As you may have noticed, we had recently taken our service offering to the next level with our new Core Exchange Program. But you know us, we just couldn’t stop there. We are officially making all your searching for the correct DCCV replacement part…osbolete! Your days of guesswork, selecting an honest vendor, and wondering if [...]
Core Exchange Program now available!
Starting today, we will be offering a Core Exchange Program (for non-navigation S-Types 2003-2008) to help our customers get back to enjoying cold A/C in just half the time! We pre-service/upgrade, fully-inspect, and guarantee functionality of the unit (or your money back!). Depending on availability, we can have a unit shipped out as early as [...]
New DIY pictures up!
These new pictures are now available for viewing: – Evaporator temperature sensor locations (driver and passenger sides). – DCCV / Heater Valve installed location. – A/C system components. – Left-hand fascia end-panel access.
New pictures
We’ve taken some new pictures of the A/C system and components to add to the DIY and Repair & Upgrade sections. Check back soon to see them!
It’s been warm and very humid lately. It’s even been humid at night! At least our cars blow cold A/C. Does your car blow cold A/C?
Welcome visitors!
Summer is here, and we’ve been busy repairing and upgrading modules left and right. If you have an urgent issue, use the Contact Us page to get a hold of us now!