Now that you’ve heard about the benefits, let’s hear about some features!
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As a follow-up to some of our earlier articles, where we show you what damage can look like, and even show you how to safely open your climate control module (CCM), we’d like to elaborate just a bit more on what our repair service includes. The blurb on the front page, which talks about the potential benefits you could receive, sounds great and all. Perhaps hearing of the benefits and the end result is all you care about. That’s fine, because keeping sight of the benefits helps you understand your goals better. Highlighting the benefits is a good thing.
The thing about highlighting benefits, though, is that it has the side effect of downplaying the long and arduous journey that we may need to take, in order to realize these benefits. It’s analogous to how 3rd-party observers might narrowly focus on the results of other people’s “overnight success stories,” then opine about how “lucky they are.” Chances are, the observers weren’t there on the first day of the journey, nor were the observers there on the 365th and 783rd days of the journey, when the appearance of success may not have been visible.
Alright. Enough talk about benefits. Here’s a list of what our repair service includes, sort of like a features list, if you will:
1. Component-level testing (testing the function of the individual chips, big and small), and replacements (for the small ones) in case bad ones are found.
2. Proper inspection and cleaning of the damaged areas, so that these areas shall no longer cause further problem later on.
3. Mechanically-strong solder connections, designed to last a lifetime in the harsh environment of the car.
4. Soldering at correct and safe temperatures, so the chips and board do not get damaged.
5. Current overload protection. You may have heard others say “oh, just solder in a jumper wire. it’s a simple fix!” You may be weary of such advice, and rightly so. The thing with just using a jumper wire, is that it will not prevent the DCCV from drawing too much current. Too much current means the next “weak link” (whether it is the jumper wire itself, the board, or a component) is going to get overheated or burn. If the CPU gets damaged, then you might as well use the CCM for target practice. Using just a jumper wire is like using a band-aid to hide the problem – basically just treating the symptom. Our current overload protection treats the cause, and makes it impossible for the DCCV to actually draw too much current. Sure, a bad DCCV will try to, but it won’t succeed! It is what Jaguar engineers should have designed into the board in the first place.
6. Warranty on the work performed, plus continued e-mail support even if there are other issues (such as faulty sensors, dying a/c compressor, etc.).
You may find out that what initial starts out as a simple issue, ends up becoming quite an involved journey. This is why item #6 is such an important “feature.” It’s not just about having a warranty. It’s about having someone there to support you along the way, to see you through your journey, and to help you realize the benefits that you are working so hard for.
Happy diagnosing!
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